Photo Library

This picture is © Jay Sherlock and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: N2872D

Construction Number: 124-48373

Model North American P-51D Mustang

Operator: American Air Museum Inc.

Airport: Novato - Gnoss Field (O56 / KO56), USA - California

Photographer: Jay Sherlock

Date Taken: 09/1970

Date Submitted: 05/10/2024

North American P-51D-30-NT, ex-USAAF 45-11620. Destroyed in a crash at Clearlake Oaks, California 9 June 1973. After making a high speed low altitude pass the pilot attempted a zoom climb but fail to maintain flying speed. The pilot had logged only four hours of flight time since purchasing the aircraft.

Picture ID:1908581

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