Boeing 777-300ER, A6-EQF / 42351, Emirates (EK / UAE)
Registration: A6-EQF
Construction Number: 42351
Model Boeing 777-300ER
Operator: Emirates (EK / UAE)
Airport: Geneva - International (Cointrin) (GVA / LSGG), Switzerland
Photographer: Mickael Rouiller
Date Taken: 13/04/2024
Date Submitted: 17/04/2024
An absolute sky jewel captured in all its glory in Geneva! The Emirates 777-300ER, proudly bearing the registration A6-EQF, epitomizes the elegance and power of modern aviation. This photo perfectly encapsulates the essence of aviation, with its graceful lines and imposing presence. A true tribute to aeronautical engineering and Emirates' expertise. Thank you for this superb share!
Picture ID:1884873