Photo Library

This picture is © Simon Neville and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: N4469P

Construction Number: 3215

Model Lockheed C-130A Hercules

Operator: African Cargo Airways

Airport: Naples - Municipal (APF / KAPF), USA - Florida

Photographer: Simon Neville

Date Taken: 19/03/1989

Date Submitted: 10/02/2024

Ex RAAF as A97-215 until 1977 , then it had a rather chequered career , operating to and from south America for various outfits. In December 1988 it departed Mena AR bound for Africa but only got as far as here and was impounded by US Customs. Everything about it was fake from the export permits to ownership (African Cargo was a shell company ) , After the legal hearings were complete it was ferried to FLL to be eventually scrapped in December 1997

Picture ID:1875523

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