De Havilland DH.60 Moth Replica, UNREGISTERED / None, Croydon Aviation Heritage Trust
Registration: UNREGISTERED
Construction Number: None
Model De Havilland DH.60 Moth Replica
Operator: Croydon Aviation Heritage Trust
Airport: Mandeville (NZVL), New Zealand
Photographer: Derek Heley
Date Taken: 19/02/2012
Date Submitted: 13/12/2023
Designed to replicate ZK-AEJ. See the builders comments below; "The metal fuselage in the photo is an exact copy of âAEJâsâ primary structure, incorporating engine support frames/bearers which are lower than a standard DH60m, so also the profiles for the decking and several other modifications, primarily to streamline the machine for max speed. I declared I would not complete the aircraft prior to any likely hood of the original being exported. It still remains unfinishedâ! [As at December 2023] The original aircraft is in the UK as G-AAZG
Picture ID:1868174