Photo Library

This picture is © andrew goldsmith and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: MM54146

Construction Number: Unknown

Code Number: 284 91 (tail) 491 on starboard fuselage and 284 on port fuselage

Model North American T-6H Texan

Operator: Museo della Guerra

Airport: Castel del Rio - Town, Italy

Photographer: andrew goldsmith

Date Taken: 15/10/2023

Date Submitted: 21/10/2023

On display at the Museo della guerre, Castel del Rio. The aircraft carries 284 91 on both sides of fin and 415 on both sides of engine cowl. It is marked 491 on starboard fuselage whilst on the port side it carries 284 as per previous photo taken 2014, I cannot trace the cn despite prolonged searches.

Picture ID:1862341

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