Boeing 737-33A, N167AW / 23628, America West Airlines (HP / AWE)
Registration: N167AW
Construction Number: 23628
Model Boeing 737-33A
Operator: America West Airlines (HP / AWE)
Airport: Melbourne - Tullamarine Airport (MEL / YMML), Australia - VIC
Photographer: Jim Revell
Date Taken: 11/1989 (approximate)
Date Submitted: 05/12/2021
Delivered 13 Nov 86. EC-IEZ, EC-JSL, HI-864, EC-LCS, N628AG, 4L-BTM, Broken up Malaysia 2013. Leased in by Ansett during the Australian pilots strike which lasted from Aug '89 until Mar '90 to operate skeleton services on main routes with in Australia. Sister ships N166AW and N168AW were also leased in.
Picture ID:1776230