Photo Library

This picture is © Hans Hoffmann and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: 225

Construction Number: 3023

Code Number: V

Military Unit: VSQ-7

Model Agusta-Bell 204B

Operator: Royal Netherlands Navy / Koninklijke Marine

Airport: Roosendaal - Special Forces Barracks, Netherlands

Photographer: Hans Hoffmann

Date Taken: 1967 (approximate)

Date Submitted: 10/05/2021

The Dutch Royal Navy operated a total of 8 Agusta-Bell AB-204s. They were based at Valkenburg naval air station, with a detachment to the Dutch Antilles. The picture was made during a rare visit to the Special Forces (Korps Commandotroepen) barracks in Roosendaal, in the late sixties. This particular helicopter is now part of the collection of the National Military Museum at Soesterberg.

Picture ID:1752855

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