British Aerospace BAe 125-800A, G-5-593 / 258121, British Aerospace PLC
Registration: G-5-593
Construction Number: 258121
Model British Aerospace BAe 125-800A
Operator: British Aerospace PLC
Airport: Hatfield (HTF/ EGTH), UK - England
Photographer: Ken Haynes Collection
Date Taken: 24/06/1988
Date Submitted: 25/03/2021
First flown at Chester 24 June 1988. Registered G-BOTX and ferried to Little Rock 28 June for completion by Arkansas Mod Center. Delivered to Repap Enterprises 26 February 1989 as C-FRPP for operation by Execaire. Later N4361Q & N800WA. Brian Matthews image.
Picture ID:1747731