Pipistrel Virus 912 SW100, D-MFTG / 638SWN100, Private
Registration: D-MFTG
Construction Number: 638SWN100
Model Pipistrel Virus 912 SW100
Operator: Private
Airport: Morso (EKNM), Denmark
Photographer: Kurt Saxkjaer
Date Taken: 19/09/2020
Date Submitted: 21/09/2020
The Pipistrel Virus is manufactured by Pipistrel in Slovenia and Italy, and sold as an ultralight, homebuilt kit, or light-sport aircraft. Introduced in 1999, based on the design of the Pipistrel Sinus, the Virus has been produced in a number of variants. SW100 means short wing and 100hp Rotax 912 ULS engine.
Picture ID:1723979