Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a, 8482M / 112372, RAF Cosford Aerospace Museum
Registration: 8482M
Construction Number: 112372
Code Number: VK893 / AM51 / Yellow 4
Model Messerschmitt Me 262A-2a
Operator: RAF Cosford Aerospace Museum
Airport: RAF Cosford (EGWC), UK - England
Photographer: John Mellor
Date Taken: 12/10/2017
Date Submitted: 23/11/2019
Built in March 1945. Details of it's history are uncertain but it is believed to have surrendered to British forcse in May 45 and ferried from Denmark to Farnborough in June. Allocated RAF serial VK893 in September. Last flight was in November 45. Displayed at several museums in the UK (incl. Hendon) before finally coming to Cosford in May 2017.
Picture ID:1681010