Westland WG-13 Lynx CIM, TAD009 / 03-01, Army Air Corps
Registration: TAD009
Construction Number: 03-01
Military Unit: School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering
Model Westland WG-13 Lynx CIM
Operator: Army Air Corps
Airport: Arborfield Garrison, Berks, UK - England
Photographer: Roger Richards
Date Taken: 28/03/2012
Date Submitted: 05/04/2016
From a correspondent - The "TAD" series were believed dedicated CIM (Classroom Instruction Model) airframes built as such. A source (I have lost the reference) says this has a plate marked "M.10". It was once marked XW838 by virtue of that airframe`s tail-boom being fitted, now over-painted. Further clues [1] the window below and ahead of the cockpit glazing is a different shape from XW838 - TAD009 is square, XW838 was a rhomboid, narrower at the bottom [2] the aerials are different, XW838 had a single blade, much closer to the windscreen. See (https://www.lynxfx.co.uk/xw838) for comparison pictures.
Picture ID:1525650