BAE Systems Phoenix, ZJ469 / None, Royal Artillery
Registration: ZJ469
Construction Number: None
Code Number: NF314
Model BAE Systems Phoenix
Operator: Royal Artillery
Airport: Larkhill - Roberts Barracks, UK - England
Photographer: Kev Slade
Date Taken: 24/03/2015
Date Submitted: 30/03/2015
The Air-Britain Monologue Sitting Ducks and Peeping Toms, compiled by Michael Draper, lists this Phoenix as assembled from mixed salvageable parts. The registration is false and is actually the initials of Nick Fitzgerald, the Camp Commandant, and the digits are the last three of his Service Number. Grateful thanks to Bernard Martin who supplied the information. [True serial believed to be as above - ABPIC]
Picture ID:1488715