Burgoyne-Stirling Dicer, G-AECN / DCB.1, Private
Registration: G-AECN
Construction Number: DCB.1
Model Burgoyne-Stirling Dicer
Operator: Private
Airport: Houghton-on-the Hill, Leics - Town, UK - England
Photographer: Dave Welch Collection
Date Taken: 1955
Date Submitted: 14/03/2014
Original by C S Waterfall. Year is a guess. [Built by D.C.Burgoyne and H.Stirling in 1939 the registration was used unofficially.The registration was officially applied to a Mignet HM.14 Pou du Ciel also built by Mr Burgoyne.The 'Dicer' was broken up in 1955/56.- ABPIC]
Picture ID:1446673