Boeing 747-422, N182UA / 25279, United Airlines (UA / UAL)
Registration: N182UA
Construction Number: 25279
Model Boeing 747-422
Operator: United Airlines (UA / UAL)
Airport: Sydney - Kingsford Smith International (SYD / YSSY), Australia - NSW
Photographer: Miklos Szabo
Date Taken: 22/11/2009
Date Submitted: 18/01/2014
First flight October 8 1991, delivered United Air Lines October 24 as N182UA. On October 20 2013, performing flight UA840 from Sydney to Los Angeles, California, suffered multiple blew tires on rotation runway 34L. After a 90 minutes of fuel dumping, flight returned safe. During landing roll ATC reported some smoke from the left main wheels. Flight cleared-off runway and stopped on taxiway G, where â after disembarkation of the passengers â discovered, that both left aft body gear tires completely separated with the wheels, running on their rims. Tire debris impact marks around the wing root fairings. Aircraft was repaired and back in service since.
Picture ID:1438598