Gloster Meteor T7, SE-DCC / G5/1525, Svedinos Bil- och Flygmuseum
Registration: SE-DCC
Construction Number: G5/1525
Model Gloster Meteor T7
Operator: Svedinos Bil- och Flygmuseum
Airport: Ugglarp, Sweden
Photographer: Erik Frikke
Date Taken: 05/08/1995
Date Submitted: 31/12/2013
Originally Gloster's Reaper Ground Attach Fighter demonstrator, ex G-AMCJ, G-7-1, later G-ANSO, before being converted to T7 and bought by Swedish Air Force for Target Towing role. Never Registered by UK Military. Wearing strange colours and false registration. WS774 belonged to a Meteor NF14.
Picture ID:1435391