North American T-28B Trojan, OE-ESA / 200-250, The Flying Bulls GmbH
Registration: OE-ESA
Construction Number: 200-250
Code Number: BA/138179
Model North American T-28B Trojan
Operator: The Flying Bulls GmbH
Airport: Aarhus (AAR / EKAH), Denmark
Photographer: Kurt Saxkjaer
Date Taken: 18/06/1994
Date Submitted: 15/12/2013
Built in 1954 and delivered to US Navy until 1965. Acquired by Red Bull in mid-1980s and loaded in a 40-foot container and transported to Jet Aviation Company in Basel, who reassambled the plane. In spring 1988 it took up OE-ESA and is based in Hangar 7 of Salzburg Airport.
Picture ID:1432995