Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia, G-AIST / WASP/20/2, Private
Registration: G-AIST
Construction Number: WASP/20/2
Code Number: P7308 / XR-D
Model Supermarine Spitfire Mk Ia
Operator: Private
Airport: Duxford (QFO / EGSU), UK - England
Photographer: brian g nichols
Date Taken: 25/05/2013
Date Submitted: 05/07/2013
Lined up with TP47-G Thunderbolt G-CDVX/225068 and Sea Hurricane X G-CHTK/P3886 in new marks/colours to fly with the Eagle Squadron at the Duxford Spring Air Show 26 May. Was originally marked as AR213/JZ-E
Picture ID:1412131