Douglas DC-4, NX88888 / 27347, Pan American World Airways (PA / PAA)
This picture is © Courtesy of Pan American World Airways and may not be used or published without permission.
Registration: NX88888
Construction Number: 27347
Model Douglas DC-4
Operator: Pan American World Airways (PA / PAA)
Airport: New York - La Guardia (LGA / KLGA), USA - New York
Photographer: Courtesy of Pan American World Airways
Date Taken: 12/1945
Date Submitted: 12/09/2012
Built as C-54E 44-9121. Converted to DC-4 standard by Douglas and to Pan Am in 12.45. Probably taken just before delivery because of the NX prefix - also the first 8 is missing. From PAA 60 years ago.
Picture ID:1365518