De Havilland DH.100 Vampire F1, 28001 / EEP42081 , Flygvapenmuseum Malmen
Registration: 28001
Construction Number: EEP42081
Code Number: P
Model De Havilland DH.100 Vampire F1
Operator: Flygvapenmuseum Malmen
Airport: Linkoping - Malmen (ESCF), Sweden
Photographer: Brian Johnstone
Date Taken: 25/01/2012
Date Submitted: 10/05/2012
De Havilland DH 100 Vampire was the first jet aircraft in the Swedish Air Force. The deliveries from the UK began in June of 1946. 70 Vampires of the D H 100 Vampire Mark F.1 were ferried from the British manufacturer to Sweden by Air Force pilots. The designation in Sweden was J 28, later changed to J 28A, when other versions of the Vampire were provided to the Air Force.
Picture ID:1345403