Photo Library

This picture is © Brian Johnstone and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: 2340

Construction Number: 405

Code Number: 40

Model Reggiane Re.2000 Falco I

Operator: Flygvapenmuseum Malmen

Airport: Linkoping - Malmen (ESCF), Sweden

Photographer: Brian Johnstone

Date Taken: 25/01/2012

Date Submitted: 10/05/2012

Fuslage Side Skins removed to reveal structure below. Reggianes first produced aircraft with aluminium skin was the Re 2000 Falco 1. Earlier aircraft were of wooden constuction. It was designed by the team Antonio Alessio and Robert Longhi, but it is obvious that the Seversky-Republic EP-1 (in Sweden J 9) generally was used as pattern. At the trials, the Falco behaved very well, but Regia Aeronautica did not trust the strength of the design, and placed no orders. Almost all of the 170 manufactured Re 2000 were sold abroad. Sweden and Hungary were the major purchasers.

Picture ID:1345370

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