Panavia Tornado GR1A, ZA372 / 173/BS054/3086, Royal Air Force
Registration: ZA372
Construction Number: 173/BS054/3086
Code Number: 372
Military Unit: TWCU
Model Panavia Tornado GR1A
Operator: Royal Air Force
Airport: RAF Honington (EGXH), UK - England
Photographer: Don Hewins
Date Taken: 03/04/1984
Date Submitted: 30/01/2012
Still in service in 2011. Immediately after receiving this brand new aircraft it was used as a donor aircraft for spares in a practice known as robbing. The aircraft was known as a 'Christmas Tree' and remained in that state for as much as two years before it was finally put back together. This picture must have been taken shortly after that.
Picture ID:1331537