Dornier Do-28D-2/OU Skyservant, D-IDOZ / 4200, Private
Registration: D-IDOZ
Construction Number: 4200
Model Dornier Do-28D-2/OU Skyservant
Operator: Private
Airport: Aalborg (AAL / EKYT), Denmark
Photographer: Kurt Saxkjaer
Date Taken: 2002
Date Submitted: 26/01/2012
A variant of the Skyservant was the Do 28D-2/OU (Oil Unit). Two aircraft were fitted with radar and SLAR (Side-Looking Airborne Radar) to monitor oil pollution in the Baltic and North Seas. Painted in a white scheme, they were operated between 1984 and 1995 by MFG 5 of the Marineflieger, on behalf of the German Transport Ministry. These aircraft are easily recognised by the fuselage-mounted SLAR antenna and a radome under the cockpit
Picture ID:1331298