Avro 567 Avenger II, G-EBND / 5109, A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd
Registration: G-EBND
Construction Number: 5109
Model Avro 567 Avenger II
Operator: A. V. Roe & Co. Ltd
Airport: Woodford (EGCD), UK - England
Photographer: R.A.Scholefield Collection
Date Taken: 1928
Date Submitted: 08/09/2011
The Avenger was a private venture design for a single-seat fighter, first flying on 26.06.26. It was modified in 1928 with smaller equal span mainplanes and a 553 h.p. Napier Lion IX and redesignated the Avenger II. Scrapped in 1931.
Picture ID:1311330