English Electric Canberra D14, WH876 / SH1633, UK Ministry of Defence
Registration: WH876
Construction Number: SH1633
Military Unit: A&AEE
Model English Electric Canberra D14
Operator: UK Ministry of Defence
Airport: RAF Greenham Common (EGVI), UK - England
Photographer: Chris England
Date Taken: 31/05/1980
Date Submitted: 29/03/2011
Opinions differ as to the designation of this aircraft - it was built as a B2, modified as a U10 (drone), put into store then modified again as a test aircraft for A&AEE. Retired in 1988 after use by Martin-Baker, and broken up in 1990. The nose section is preserved at Boscombe Down. Superficially identical to Brian Johnstone's picture at IAT in 1983, but with different bomb bay doors.
Picture ID:1283332