Focke-Wulf Fw.44J Stieglitz, D-EMIL / 44, Private
Registration: D-EMIL
Construction Number: 44
Model Focke-Wulf Fw.44J Stieglitz
Operator: Private
Airport: Egelsbach (EDFE), Germany
Photographer: Trevor Bartlett
Date Taken: 12/05/1974
Date Submitted: 16/03/2011
Taken 37 years ago, but still flying today in the same Lufthansa markings. Construction Number 44 whilst in service with the Swedish AF carried the serial Fv662 initially with F5 squadron carrying the code 71.This aircraft was built by Centrala Verkstäderna i Västerås (CVV). It first became civil as SE-BXG (16 June 1954 - 30 June 1965), was sold to Germany as D-EKNE and later became D-EKXG and D-EMIL. Whilst in Germany it was registered with the c/n 662. This Stieglitz crashed on 25th September 1977 and was deleted from the German register on October 1977. The Hanseatische Fliegerclub Frankfurt repaired it and reregistered the aircraft on July 1980.
Picture ID:1281308