Avro 683 Lancaster BIII, G-AHJW / 127336, Flight Refuelling Ltd. - FLR
Registration: G-AHJW
Construction Number: 127336
Model Avro 683 Lancaster BIII
Operator: Flight Refuelling Ltd. - FLR
Airport: In Flight, International Airspace
Photographer: R.A.Scholefield Collection
Date Taken: 1947
Date Submitted: 27/01/2011
G-AHJW (top) acts as the tanker aircraft whilst G-AHJU (ex LM681) acts as the receiver in this refuelling trial. Note the refuelling orifice under "HJU"s tailplane as the pipe is drawn towards it using a cable. Obtained from FRL over 50 years ago.
Picture ID:1272848