Avro 716 Shackleton MR3, WR990, Royal Air Force
Registration: WR990
Construction Number: Unknown
Code Number: N
Military Unit: 201 Squadron
Model Avro 716 Shackleton MR3
Operator: Royal Air Force
Airport: In Flight, International Airspace
Photographer: Bill Lewis
Date Taken: 1965
Date Submitted: 15/10/2009
Serial and unit unconfirmed. XF701 was never 'N' of 201 squadron RAF XF706 was 'N' 201 from August 1962 - November 1964. The photograph is probably WR990 as it was 'N' from May 1965 until transferred to the KINLOSS WING February 1967 It retained 'N' code but no squadron number. Ref: THE SHACKLETON by CHRIS ASHWORTH Published 1990 ISBN 0-946627-16-9
Picture ID:1197461