Photo Library

This picture is © Keith Sowter and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: N309H

Construction Number: 17245

Code Number: Grace the Ace

Model Piper J-3C-65 Cub

Operator: Private

Airport: Lethbridge (YQL / CYQL), Canada - Alberta

Photographer: Keith Sowter

Date Taken: 17/06/1980

Date Submitted: 28/03/2009

This aircraft held a record of 80 spins acording to the note in the cockpit window - wish I had photographed that as well - does anyone else know its background please? A personal recollection from someone who saw her fly - I saw "Grace The Ace" fly out of Big Bear California in 1977. It was the week before an air show. I was part of a construction crew adding a taxiway. She was an elderly woman who came out to the plane wobbly on her feet looking very confused as she climbed into the cockpit. She start the plane and stated a panic amongst our crew as she headed down the runway completely out of control with the end of the runway and the lake rapidly approaching. A few feet from disaster she took off nearly vertical and then spent a half an hour preforming loops and roles for us. Grace The Ace! And another personal recollection - I was a 16-year old airport rat with big dreams and aspirations at the municipal airport in Beeville, Texas when Grace the Ace landed her yellow Piper Cub 309H. The date was March 31, 1974. She created quite a flury of interest among those present at the airport that afternoon. I was mesmerized by her little yellow airplane and I was hanging on her every word as she spoke to those who happened to be present that afternoon. Maybe she noticed my big eyes or I don't know what, but she offered to give me a ride in her Cub right then and there! Of course, I took her up on her fantastic offer!! She put me in the front seat and she got into the backseat and off we went. I most vividly remember that she performed a slight nose down 30-degree bank to the left. It was exhilarating! When we landed she walked with me into the FBO and bought me a logbook and made the first entry in it for .4 hours of dual time. She noted her ATP license in her entry. Then the inside cover she wrote the following words: "He who giveth you your wings to fly, and breathe a pure air on high, carets for you everywhere. Who, for yourself, so little care". She signed it "Grace the Ace". I still have that logbook and the memory of her kindness that launched me on fledgling wings that afternoon.

Picture ID:1165897

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