Boeing 727-276, G-BNNI / 20950, Dan-Air (DA / DAN)
Registration: G-BNNI
Construction Number: 20950
Model Boeing 727-276
Operator: Dan-Air (DA / DAN)
Airport: Lasham (QLA / EGHL), UK - England
Photographer: Martin Laycock
Date Taken: 1992
Date Submitted: 20/03/2009
Photographed while stored at Lasham after Dan Air had been sold to British Airways. Originally delivered to Trans Australia Airways in October 1974 as VH-TBK. After service with Dan-Air she went to Sabre Airways until their demise. She was then stored at Southend before being disassembled and shipped to Denmark where she is displayed at Stilling, south of Arhus near the E45 Motorway, she's now used as an exhibition room.
Picture ID:1164551