Alenia G222TCM, MM62130 / 4037, Italian Air Force / Aeronautica Militare
Registration: MM62130
Construction Number: 4037
Code Number: RS-51
Military Unit: Reparto Sperimentale di Volo
Model Alenia G222TCM
Operator: Italian Air Force / Aeronautica Militare
Airport: RNAS Yeovilton (YEO / EGDY), UK - England
Photographer: Martin Laycock
Date Taken: 15/07/1994
Date Submitted: 16/03/2009
Photographed the day before RNAS Yeovilton's 1994 Air Day, this G222 is visiting from the Reparto Sperimentale di Volo (Experimental Flight Unit) based at Pratica di Mare, southwest of Rome.
Picture ID:1163570