Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PF Fishbed, N21PF / 761811, Not known
Registration: N21PF
Construction Number: 761811
Code Number: 1811
Model Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21PF Fishbed
Operator: Not known
Airport: Mojave (MHV / KMHV), USA - California
Photographer: Martin Laycock
Date Taken: 1992
Date Submitted: 08/02/2009
Built in 1965 this ex-Polish Air Force MiG-21 was photographed on the ramp at Mojave sometime in late 1992. Once based at Lask AB, Krakow she formerly served with the 10th PLM (Fighter Regiment) whose badge is painted on the nose.
Picture ID:1157078