Nord N.1002 Pingouin, G-AVJS / 196, Private
Registration: G-AVJS
Construction Number: 196
Model Nord N.1002 Pingouin
Operator: Private
Airport: Stover, Devon - Area, Shopping Centre, UK - England
Photographer: Chris England
Date Taken: 28/03/1970
Date Submitted: 28/01/2009
Displayed on the site of a new Trago Mills out-of town shopping centre by entrepreneur Charles Robertson and used as a part of his "anti-crat" campaign, directed at the local planning authority. The sign declares "Messerschmitt-Nord 108, Civilian Development of the Famous German Fighter Messerschmitt 109". Nonsense, of course. Ex-F-BKFA, sold in USA 24/3/76.
Picture ID:1155481