McDonnell Douglas F-4M Phantom FGR2, XT891 / 2250, Royal Air Force
Registration: XT891
Construction Number: 2250
Code Number: 891 - Z
Military Unit: 56 Squadron
Model McDonnell Douglas F-4M Phantom FGR2
Operator: Royal Air Force
Airport: RAF Wattisham (EGUW), UK - England
Photographer: Robin A Walker
Date Taken: 02/05/1978
Date Submitted: 20/01/2009
The Squadron had just relocated back to Wattisham after runways/pans/taxiways and line hut had been replaced/resurfaced. Everything had been covered in Brown dye! This was done at the time to 'hide' airfields from air. It was the oldest twin-styick FGR-2 in RAF.
Picture ID:1153840