Hawker Hunter T7, XF310 / HABL/1003071, Royal Navy
Registration: XF310
Construction Number: HABL/1003071
Code Number: VL-869
Military Unit: FRADU
Model Hawker Hunter T7
Operator: Royal Navy
Airport: RNAS Yeovilton (YEO / EGDY), UK - England
Photographer: Kev Slade
Date Taken: 25/07/1986
Date Submitted: 31/07/2008
Built as an F.4 but never went into RAF service as such, instead going to Fairey Aviation for use as a test-bed for the Skyflash missile. Declared surplus in 1958, the aircraft returned to Hawker and was one of six converted to T.7 standard, and first flew as such 24 April 1959 with Frank Bullen at the controls. For a full history look at the excellent FRADU Hunters website. Photo taken from ATC.
Picture ID:1121823