Photo Library

This picture is © AJM Collection and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: KN410

Construction Number: 32835

Code Number: 93-CW

Military Unit: 46 Squadron

Model Douglas Dakota Mk.IV

Operator: Royal Air Force

Airport: Istres - Le Tube (LFMI), France

Photographer: AJM Collection

Date Taken: 10/1949

Date Submitted: 11/07/2008

Taken by my father on his return from National Service in Egypt. Location is not confirmed. He thinks this was the RAF aircraft he flew in, but the markings seem unusual to me. KN410 used by 525 and 46 squadrons and RAF Oakington. 46 codes were XK-x and 525 WF- Any comments?

Picture ID:1118130

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