Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina, VP-BPS / 1997, Private
Registration: VP-BPS
Construction Number: 1997
Model Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina
Operator: Private
Airport: Weston (EIWT), Ireland
Photographer: Robin A Walker
Date Taken: 09/06/2007
Date Submitted: 25/06/2007
Written-off in accident in Southampton Water 27/7/98. Moved to Lasham then Lee-on-Solent for repair. Moved to Weston in 1/2006 and remained on lorry trailers. Ex. USN 46633, N10023, CF-MIR, N608FF, C-FMIR, G-BLSC, VR-BPS then to VP-BPS.
Picture ID:1059697