Stinson 108-3 Voyager, N6470M / 108-4470, Private
Registration: N6470M
Construction Number: 108-4470
Model Stinson 108-3 Voyager
Operator: Private
Airport: Unknown, UK - England
Photographer: Ian M Macdonald
Date Taken: 1977
Date Submitted: 07/02/2007
Date is a guess - The current owner has sent in this update, 11/04/08:- "I currently own this Stinson, It was a PDX conversion with an O-470 Cont. in June of 92 it was the test bed for composite floats that failed and the aircraft crashed into the Columbia river, It has been extensivly restored and I hope to have it flying this summer (2008) Thanks - Dave"
Picture ID:1040557