Westland WS-55 Whirlwind Srs.1, G-AOCF / WA 56, BEA Helicopters (BE / BEA)
Registration: G-AOCF
Construction Number: WA 56
Model Westland WS-55 Whirlwind Srs.1
Operator: BEA Helicopters (BE / BEA)
Airport: London - Gatwick (LGW / EGKK), UK - England
Photographer: M West
Date Taken: 1966
Date Submitted: 07/01/2007
By the BEA Helicopters hangar in the pre-war Gatwick area by the railway. The BEA Red Flag was a handsome paint scheme for most types. These amphibious S-55 helicopters operated Battersea-Heathrow around 1956
Picture ID:1035110