Thunder & Colt Flying Mitt SS, G-WCAT / 1744, Balloon Preservation Group
Registration: G-WCAT
Construction Number: 1744
Model Thunder & Colt Flying Mitt SS
Operator: Balloon Preservation Group
Airport: Attingham Park, Shrewsbury, UK - England
Photographer: Bill Teasdale
Date Taken: 23/09/1995
Date Submitted: 05/01/2007
C of A expired November 2003. Preserved with the BPG. Wash Cat made one appearance at the 2012 Bristol balloon Fiesta, tethering at the Thursday Special shapes rodeo. G-WCAT also appeared at the Bristol International Balloon Fiesta in 2004, tethering next to G-LTSB (Lloyds TSB special shape). Owners in 2013 trying to sell it abroad.
Picture ID:1034695