Agusta-Bell 412SP, VF-57 / 25622, Vigili del Fuoco
Registration: VF-57
Construction Number: 25622
Military Unit: Nucleo Elicotteri V.F. di Bologna
Model Agusta-Bell 412SP
Operator: Vigili del Fuoco
Airport: Lugo di Romagna (LIDG), Italy
Airshow: Lugo di Romagna - Eliexpo - 2006
Photographer: -
Date Taken: 09/07/2006
Date Submitted: 26/07/2006
Note that I-VFOI is an allocation made by the Italian civilian airworthiness authorities in respect of the CofA of the helicopter. The AB.412 is 'registered' VF-57 of the register of fire service aircraft. VF-57 is not a code.
Picture ID:1011302