Photo Library

This picture is © Ian MacFarlane and may not be used or published without permission.

Registration: N2251D

Construction Number: 122-40967

Model North American P-51D Mustang

Operator: Confederate Air Force - Central Texas Wing

Airport: Harlingen - Valley International (HRL / KHRL), USA - Texas

Airshow: Harlingen - CAF AirSho - 1976

Photographer: Ian MacFarlane

Date Taken: 06/10/1976

Date Submitted: 29/05/2006

Copied from a print, taken by a friend with yours truely in the back seat. Note the Tail Wheel failed to lower so we made an emergency landing on the grass, with very little damage - the P-51 was back flying the next day. Airworthy (2017) as F-AZSB and painted as Nooky Booky IV.

Picture ID:1003865

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