D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com Gloucestershire Airport (Staverton) (GLO / EGBJ), UK - England Derek Heley - 14/02/2010
D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com Gloucestershire Airport (Staverton) (GLO / EGBJ), UK - England Tony Jarvis - 23/09/2011
D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com Gloucestershire Airport (Staverton) (GLO / EGBJ), UK - England Tony Jarvis - 07/03/2011
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Newcastle - Woolsington (NCL / EGNT), UK - England Brian Chandler - 25/08/2010
D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com RAF Valley (EGOV), UK - Wales Shaun Connor - 24/06/2010
HA-YFG Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Isle Of Man (Ronaldsway) (IOM / EGNS), UK - Isle of Man R.A.Scholefield - 14/09/2006
D-IFLM Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com East Midlands Airport (Castle Donington) (EMA / EGNX), UK - England Steve Blood - 11/04/2009
D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com East Midlands Airport (Castle Donington) (EMA / EGNX), UK - England Steve Blood - 28/03/2009
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Blackpool - Squires Gate (BLK / EGNH), UK - England Shaun Connor - 15/02/2009
D-CSAL Fairchild Swearingen SA.227AC Metro III Manx2.com East Midlands Airport (Castle Donington) (EMA / EGNX), UK - England Steve Blood - 07/02/2009
D-CSAL Fairchild Swearingen SA.227AC Metro III Manx2.com Gloucestershire Airport (Staverton) (GLO / EGBJ), UK - England Jim Groom - 29/12/2008
D-CMNX Dornier Do-228-202K Manx2.com East Midlands Airport (Castle Donington) (EMA / EGNX), UK - England Steve Blood - 04/10/2008
OK-RDA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Blackpool - Squires Gate (BLK / EGNH), UK - England Steve Blood - 16/09/2007
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Blackpool - Squires Gate (BLK / EGNH), UK - England Michael Burdett - 01/09/2007
OK-RDA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Belfast - International (Aldergrove) (BFS / EGAA), UK - Northern Ireland Paul McAllister - 23/07/2007
D-CSAL Fairchild Swearingen SA.227AC Metro III Manx2.com Belfast - City Airport / Sydenham (BHD / EGAC), UK - Northern Ireland Paul McAllister - 22/07/2007
D-CSAL Fairchild Swearingen SA.227AC Metro III Manx2.com Belfast - City Airport / Sydenham (BHD / EGAC), UK - Northern Ireland Paul McAllister - 15/07/2007
OK-RDA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Blackpool - Squires Gate (BLK / EGNH), UK - England Peter Clarke - 11/07/2007
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Blackpool - Squires Gate (BLK / EGNH), UK - England Peter Clarke - 31/05/2007
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Belfast - International (Aldergrove) (BFS / EGAA), UK - Northern Ireland Paul McAllister - 03/05/2007
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Isle Of Man (Ronaldsway) (IOM / EGNS), UK - Isle of Man Andy Marks - 03/02/2007
OK-UBA Let L-410 UVP-E3 Turbolet Manx2.com Isle Of Man (Ronaldsway) (IOM / EGNS), UK - Isle of Man Andy Marks - 26/11/2006