132 Mil Mi-8TB Flugplatz Museum Cottbus-Drewitz Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Peter Davis - 15/08/2024
9408 Mil Mi-8TB Musee de l'aviation legere de l'Armee de terre et de l'Helicoptere Dax-Seyresse (LFBY), France Anthony Seeley - 17/09/2022
94+12 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Jan Buisman - 30/07/1994
68 RED Mil Mi-8TB Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War Moscow - Victory Park , Russia John Bennett - 25/08/2019
9384 Mil Mi-8TB Grenzmuseum Shifflersgrund Bad Sooden - Allendorf, Grenzmuseum, Germany Roger Richards - 18/06/2019
9410 Mil Mi-8TB Luftfahrtmuseum Rechlin-Larz Rechlin - Larz (EDAX), Germany Garry Lakin - 29/09/2017
04 YELLOW Mil Mi-8TB Preserved Torzhok, Russia Keith Holden - 17/08/2004
9386 Mil Mi-8TB Interessenverein Luftfahrt Neuenkirchen - Interessenverein Luftfahrt, Germany Roger Richards - 07/09/2012
6223 Mil Mi-8TB Private Budaors (LHBS), Hungary Trevor Bartlett - 26/04/2015
9375 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Furstenwalde (EDAL), Germany Stephan Kopelke - 11/10/2013
7529384 Mil Mi-8TB Grenzmuseum Shifflersgrund Bad Sooden - Allendorf, Grenzmuseum, Germany Kurt Saxkjaer - 29/06/2014
9414 Mil Mi-8TB Aeronauticum Nordholz (ETMN), Germany Doug Clifford - 13/09/2012
9373 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 03/07/1991
9368 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 03/07/1991
9366 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 03/07/1991
9364 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 03/07/1991
9363 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Cottbus (ETHT), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 03/07/1991
9409 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Parow (ETPA), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 01/07/1991
9406 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Parow (ETPA), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 01/07/1991
9404 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Parow (ETPA), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 01/07/1991
9375 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Furstenwalde (EDAL), Germany John Bennett - 26/05/2008
9414 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Nordholz (ETMN), Germany Jean Marc Braun - 05/04/2012
9407 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Berlin - Tempelhof (THF / EDDI), Germany Ralf Manteufel - 06/06/1992
9363 Mil Mi-8TB German Air Force Peenemunde (PEF / EDCP), Germany Trevor Bartlett - 23/10/2004
9408 Mil Mi-8TB German Navy Weston-super-Mare, UK - England Nick Weight - 25/07/1994
9410 Mil Mi-8TB Luftfahrttechnisches Museum - Rechlin Rechlin - Larz (EDAX), Germany Erik Frikke - 10/06/2010
D-HOZH Mil Mi-8TB German Police / Polizei Berlin - Schonefeld (SXF / EDDB), Germany Stephan Karl - 16/04/2009
9410 Mil Mi-8TB Luftfahrtmuseum Rechlin-Larz Rechlin - Larz (EDAX), Germany Michael Andersen - 21/07/2006
68 Red Mil Mi-8TB Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War Moscow - Victory Park , Russia Juha Ritaranta - 02/07/2006
9414 Mil Mi-8TB Aeronauticum Nordholz (ETMN), Germany George Trussell - 22/05/2006