88167 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Republic of Singapore Air Force Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 16/10/2023
88167 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Republic of Singapore Air Force Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 13/09/2023
88167 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Republic of Singapore Air Force Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 04/09/2023
88163 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Republic of Singapore Air Force Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 04/09/2023
D-603 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Peter Fothergill - 14/07/2023
D-603 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Jim Darling - 17/07/2023
D-483 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Phil Melia - 12/07/2023
A15-306 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Australian Army Aviation Corps Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 22/07/2023
A15-301 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Australian Army Aviation Corps Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 22/07/2023
D-603 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Phil Melia - 17/07/2023
D-483 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Phil Melia - 17/07/2023
D-603 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Stuart Miller - 15/07/2023
D-603 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Alan Kilham - 13/07/2023
14-08459 Boeing Vertol CH-47F US Army London - Stansted (STN / EGSS), UK - England Andrew Goldsmith - 06/07/2023
14-08453 Boeing Vertol CH-47F US Army London - Stansted (STN / EGSS), UK - England Andrew Goldsmith - 06/07/2023
13-08146 Boeing Vertol CH-47F US Army London - Stansted (STN / EGSS), UK - England Andrew Goldsmith - 06/07/2023
147304 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Canadian Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Peter Fothergill - 14/07/2017
D-890 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Peter Fothergill - 08/07/2016
D-890 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Royal Netherlands Air Force RAF Fairford (FFD / EGVA), UK - England Peter Fothergill - 20/07/2015
A15-308 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Australian Army Aviation Corps Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 16/02/2023
A15-304 Boeing Vertol CH-47F Australian Army Aviation Corps Rockhampton (ROK / YBRK), Australia - QLD Kristiana Taylor - 16/02/2023
10-08079 Boeing Vertol CH-47F US Army Atlanta - Dekalb Peachtree (PDK / KPDK), USA - Georgia Dave Jones - 20/03/2017