BGA3389 Schleicher ASW-24 Private Bidford Airfield, Warks, UK - England Al Stacey - 27/08/2005
G-SAXT Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus XT RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 23/06/2007
ZE679 Grob G-103 Viking T1 Royal Air Force RAF Upavon (UPV / EGDJ), UK - England Al Stacey - 25/03/2007
RAFGSA R1 Schempp-Hirth Janus C RAF Gliding and Soaring Association RAF Bicester (EGDD), UK - England Al Stacey - 1981
CC-SXV Schneider ESG Grunau 9 Museo Nacional Aeronautico y del Espacio de Chile Santiago - Los Cerrillos (ULC / SCTI), Chile Al Stacey - 15/01/2001
CC-PIA Goppingen Go.III Minimoa Museo Nacional Aeronautico y del Espacio de Chile Santiago - Los Cerrillos (ULC / SCTI), Chile Al Stacey - 15/01/2001
CC-K7W LET L-13 Blanik Museo Nacional Aeronautico y del Espacio de Chile Santiago - Los Cerrillos (ULC / SCTI), Chile Al Stacey - 15/01/2001
N491V Schleicher ASW-12 Virginia Air and Space Center Hampton - Virginia Air and Space Center, USA - Virginia Al Stacey - 06/2005
D-3547 Raab Doppelraab IV Militarhistorisches Museum Flugplatz Berlin-Gatow (Luftwaffenmuseum der Bundeswehr) Berlin - Gatow Museum, Germany Al Stacey - 01/2003
RAFGSA R82 Grob G-102 Astir CS77 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association RAF Bicester (EGDD), UK - England Al Stacey - 1982
BGA4607 Schleicher Ka.6E Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 14/10/2004
BGA1966 Schempp-Hirth HS.4 Standard Cirrus Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 14/10/2004
BGA2985 Grob G-102 Astir CS Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 14/10/2004
BGA2581 Rolladen-Schneider LS3-17 Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 14/10/2004
BGA4643 Glasflugel Standard Libelle 201B Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 08/07/2007
RAFGSA 266 Schleicher Ka.7 Rhönadler RAF Gliding and Soaring Association RAF Bicester (EGDD), UK - England Al Stacey - 06/1982
RAFGSA R11 LET L-13 Blanik RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/1980
RAFGSA 236 Schleicher ASK-18 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association RAF Greenham Common (EGVI), UK - England Al Stacey - 1981
RAFGSA R4 Schleicher ASK-13 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association RAF Bicester (EGDD), UK - England Al Stacey - 06/1981
BGA2992 PZL-Bielsko SZD-50-3 Puchacz Deeside G C Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 14/10/2004
BGA3538 Schempp-Hirth Discus B Surrey & Hants Gliding Club Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA1986 Slingsby T.59D Kestrel 19 Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA4977 Schempp-Hirth Ventus 2cT Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA2931 Schleicher K.8B Cotswold Gliding Club Aston Down (X2AD), UK - England Al Stacey - 25/05/2005
BGA3727 Rolladen-Schneider LS-6C Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA3573 Schleicher ASK-13 Cotswold Gliding Club Aston Down (X2AD), UK - England Al Stacey - 25/05/2005
BGA4283 Schempp-Hirth Discus B Deeside Gliding Club Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA4735 Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 3DT Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA4785 Rolladen-Schneider LS-8-18 Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003
BGA3895 Rolladen-Schneider LS-6C-18 Private Aboyne (XABO), UK - Scotland Al Stacey - 10/2003