G-CJTB Schleicher ASW-24 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 16/01/2005
D-9729 Schleicher ASG-29 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 25/11/2007
G-CJMW Schleicher ASK-13 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 25/11/2007
G-CJPO Schleicher ASK-18 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 13/10/2007
G-CJKX Schempp-Hirth Discus B Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 29/09/2007
BGA3101 Schleicher ASW-20 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 15/09/2007
BGA1544 Schempp-Hirth SHK-1 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 15/09/2007
BGA4801 Schleicher ASW-19B Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 15/09/2007
BGA1745 Slingsby T.8 Cadet TX.2 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 02/08/2005
BGA3238 Slingsby T.21B Sedbergh TX.1 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 08/09/2007
RAFGSA R83 Slingsby T.21B Sedbergh TX.1 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 03/09/2005
BGA1726 Schempp-Hirth Nimbus 2 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 12/08/2007
BGA3781 Glasflugel Club Libelle 205 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 11/08/2007
BGA4636 Schleicher ASK-13 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 28/04/2007
BGA3238 Slingsby T.21B Sedbergh TX.1 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 11/08/2007
G-SAXT Schempp-Hirth Duo Discus XT RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 23/06/2007
BGA4643 Glasflugel Standard Libelle 201B Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 08/07/2007
G-CKHF Schleicher ASW-20L Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 17/06/2006
G-BTWE Slingsby T.61F Venture RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 27/01/2007
BGA2692 Slingsby T.30B Prefect TX.1 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 20/05/2004
BGA2034 PZL-Bielsko SZD-9bis Bocian 1E Bath and Wilts Gliding Club Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 03/2001
BGA4354 Schleicher ASW-20L Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 11/02/2004
BGA4812 Avia Stroitel AC-4C Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 27/08/2000
BGA4597 Rolladen-Schneider LS-7 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 03/2006
G-BMBJ Schempp-Hirth Janus CM Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 07/2006
RAFGSA R80 Schleicher ASK-13 RAF Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 07/1996
BGA3849 Glaser-Dirks DG-300 Club Elan Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 28/08/2000
G-CBLR Stemme S-10VT Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 08/2002
BGA4454 Schleicher ASW-24 Private Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 29/08/2001
BGA4030 Schempp-Hirth Discus CS RN Gliding and Soaring Association Keevil (X2KV), UK - England Al Stacey - 04/06/2002