G-ASIU Beech 65-80 Queen Air Private Rochester (EGTO), UK - England Keith Endersbee - 07/09/1963
G-ASIU Beech 65-80 Queen Air Marchwiel Plant and Engineering Co. Ltd. Wolverhampton - Pendeford (GAMR / EGBL - 1970>), UK - England Dave Welch - 1964
5X-SEM Beech 65-80 Queen Air Museum fur Luftfahrt und Technik Werningerode - Museum fur Luftfahrt und Technik, Germany John Bennett - 07/09/2013
G-ASIU Beech 65-80 Queen Air Marchwiel Plant and Engineering Co. Ltd. Biggin Hill (BQH / EGKB), UK - England Robin A Walker - 09/05/1964
G-ASIU Beech 65-80 Queen Air Private Biggin Hill (BQH / EGKB), UK - England Barry J Collman - 05/1964
G-ASIU Beech 65-80 Queen Air Private Biggin Hill (BQH / EGKB), UK - England Ian M Macdonald - 05/1964